
Our backtesting module shows you a day by day view of how your trade would have played out. In addition, you can compare up to three trades to see what would have worked better. We offer 15 years of stock and options data for backtesting.

Visual Backtesting

Put It On the Chart

The Investor's Research Tool was designed with backtesting in mind. You can run backtests and display them on charts so you can see when and how they would have played out and visually view the entries and exits.

Scan Lookback

Get Confident

Build a quicker understanding of the various strategies and learn how they would work over time. Our scans are designed to help you find high-probability trades, but our backtesting helps you see how.

Backtesting Solutions for All Your Trading Needs

The platform was designed to help all traders backtest various strategies. Whether you are looking at all trade types or honing in on a specific strategy, we give you the visual and statistical tools to know how trades would have worked.

As Easy As 1, 2, 3

Backtesting is as easy as picking a start date, a strategy, and an analyze date to see how the trade would be working.

Post Trade Analysis

Even after you complete a trade, you can backtest it to see how it performed day-by-day and learn how you could have done better.

Risk Analysis

Bactesting includes all of the calculations in one place: Risk/reward, breakeven, gains, and even net Greeks.

Freeform Testing

Pick any combination of option legs and analyze how they would play out in a customizable trading strategy.